
Gustavo Bolívar Moreno

“Mandaderos de las EPS”: Gustavo Bolívar contra congresistas que criticaron aumento de la UPC

Bolívar criticó a los congresistas que hundieron la Ley de Financiamiento y consideró que el Gobierno debería volver a presentar esta ley ante el Congreso.

Gustavo Bolívar: Renta Ciudadana es un programa “inamovible” para Petro

Gustavo Bolívar, director del DPS, reconoció que habrá sectores afectados por el hundimiento de la reforma tributaria en el Congreso.

Miguel Polo Polo irá a juicio por presunta injuria contra Gustavo Bolívar

La Corte Suprema de Justicia decidió acusar formalmente al congresista, en medio de un proceso que entabló en su contra el director del DPS.

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The candidate for Mayor of Bogota Gustavo Bolivar participates in a debate between candidates today, in the Hippies Park, in Bogota, Colombia, 25 September 2023. The candidates for Mayor of Bogotá Gustavo Bolívar, Rodrigo Lara and Juan Daniel Oviedo met this Monday in one of the parks of the Colombian capital to talk about their proposals regarding "social justice and treatment of marginalized populations in the city", an event in which another candidate burst in demanding to be allowed to participate. EFE/ Carlos Ortega
The candidate for Mayor of Bogota Gustavo Bolivar participates in a debate between candidates today, in the Hippies Park, in Bogota, Colombia, 25 September 2023. The candidates for Mayor of Bogotá Gustavo Bolívar, Rodrigo Lara and Juan Daniel Oviedo met this Monday in one of the parks of the Colombian capital to talk about their proposals regarding "social justice and treatment of marginalized populations in the city", an event in which another candidate burst in demanding to be allowed to participate. EFE/ Carlos Ortega

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